What We Do
Working with the small number of reformed churches, seminaries, and brethren in Nigeria, LIT will be providing sound biblical education across Nigeria. We seek to make biblical and theological education accessible and free to all believers in Nigeria. LIT will provide curriculum, content, and materials for seminary education, bible study group, and training in Christian ministry.
LIT seeks to provide libraries across Nigeria where believers and pastors can have access to sound biblical literature and bibles. With little or no access to sound biblical literature in Nigeria, it’s one of LIT’s utmost goals to be at the forefront of making Bibles and sound biblical literature available for believers and most especially pastors in Nigeria.
We seek to gather believers together in conferences and seminars for spiritual renewal, encouragement, growth, and refreshing. These conferences provide an opportunity to address theological and biblical matters/issues facing believers. LIT will be bringing faithful preachers of the gospel from the United States and within Nigeria to help sharpen and encourage believers in Nigeria.
LIT seeks to provide financial support for men laboring in the field and reformed churches in Nigeria. Such support as salary, seminary scholarship, and sponsoring them to attend reformed conferences.
There are tools and materials that are needed for the work of the gospel and LIT is positioning herself to provide these tools to aid the spread of the true gospel in Nigeria. These tools or materials range from Laptops, Teaching Aids, Audio/Visual Gear, Please see the Make a Donation page for the list of items.
With lots of false teachings spread across Nigeria and the continent of Africa, there’s a great need for planting true biblical churches. For instance, Lagos Nigeria has a population of over 20 million people but less than 5 reformed churches. There’s a lot of work to be done, hence LIT is working with local reformed churches to plant more churches.
A place of worship is a big challenge for reformed churches in Nigeria because they are like the minority amongst the Christian community in Nigeria, so funding is a big issue. Also, they have to deal with the likes of the Charismatic Churches who always outspend them when it comes to renting a place to use for worship. LIT seeks to help provide funding for reformed churches to lease a place for worship and ultimately construct a sanctuary for these reformed churches.
Initiatives & Programs
This is aimed at providing financial aid to a seminary student but would take a different approach from traditional financial aid, as it sets to incorporate not only accountability but also oversight and discipleship from the sponsor. A sponsor (individual or Church) will adopt a seminary student by helping to pay his school fees. The sponsor together with LIT will help provide oversight, discipleship, and encouragement to the student through his academic program. The sponsor has direct access to the student and gets monthly reports from LIT on Student’s academic performance and challenges. For more information, please call 404-273-4798 or send an email to hello@litreformed.org
At the core of LIT’s mission is to train men who will serve as pastors in reformed church plants. This initiative is aimed at providing the monthly allowance needed by a Pastoral Intern as he goes through his internship with a local assembly. This initiative will be an Adoption program where A sponsor (Individual or local assembly) adopts a pastoral intern, that provides funds needed for his monthly salary. This goes beyond just financial support, the sponsor together with LIT and the local assembly where the Intern is serving works together to help the intern complete his work. The sponsor has direct access to the intern and gets monthly reports from the intern, the local assembly where the intern is serving, and a summary report from LIT. For more information, please call 404-273-4798 or send an email to hello@litreformed.org
There’s always work to be done in this great harvest and it doesn’t have to be done on a long-term basis. LIT has various short-term opportunities for willing hearts to serve these reformed brethren in Nigeria. These short-term missions range from one week to two months, from speaking at conferences, to teaching at the Bible club on university campuses and to teaching at the seminaries. For more information, please call 404-273-4798 or send an email to hello@litreformed.org
Get Involved.
Getting involved with LIT is much more than giving material and financial support. We want you to partner with us in fulfilling this mission. You can partner with us by signing up to get involved in one of our Initiatives and Programs and most importantly praying along with us.
For more information on how you can get involved, please send an email to hello@litreformed.org.